Our Services

Conventional Pain Therapy

Conventional pain therapy consists of the administration and treatment with medication and is used when surgery is not necessary or not possible. Both painkillers and anti-inflammatory agents are prescribed. Infusion therapy is also part of conventional pain therapy.

Conventional pain therapy for herniated discs and spinal canal stenosis: surgery is not always necessary

A slipped disc or spinal canal stenosis does not always have to be treated surgically. The pain can often be successfully alleviated with targeted, conservative therapy.

Surgery is only advisable if these measures do not provide sufficient relief or if neurological deficits persist. Our clinic will advise you comprehensively in order to find the best form of therapy for you.

Treatment options without surgery

  • Drug therapy: Painkillers and anti-inflammatories can quickly alleviate the symptoms.
  • Physiotherapy: Targeted exercises strengthen the muscles and relieve pressure on the spine.
  • Injection therapy: Painkillers and cortisone can be injected specifically into the affected nerves to block severe pain.